Our aim is to establish new entrepreneurs in rural areas that would bring benefits to their local communities. They should not be a drain on state resources but rather contribute to government’s overall aim of poverty alleviation in underdeveloped areas by creating a better quality of life for all communities.
Health Care
BONO holdings provide meaningful and immediate benefits to the employees. These benefits are annual health care and educational benefits. These benefits improve over time while the costs decrease as BONO obtains grants and investment flows from various sources.
Skills Transfer
BONO holdings main goal is to empower the Trust/CPA/Co-Op of each project through not only equity shareholding but through various social and skills transfer programs. This enables skills to be handed down to the beneficiaries and they are trained to run a viable and sustainable entity that will benefit both them and the community in general. Due to historic imbalances, the skills and knowledge base in many of the disadvantaged areas is insufficient to successfully support enterprises that link into sophisticated local and international markets. To remedy this situation, all beneficiaries and employees receive intensive training from recognized professionals who specialise in enterprise development and turnaround strategies. The pitfalls of entitlement and disengagement plague many development projects and we are particularly sensitive to this phenomenon, taking care not to create or perpetuate such situations.
BONO holdings has realised that economic empowerment can be ascertained in an environment where those being empowered have a sense of ownership over the means of production, are validated as complete beings rather than appendages so they are at the cardinal centre of their empowerment, are constantly skilled for longevity rather than patronised and short-changed, are not set up for failure but their organic relationship with the land is harnessed. BONO holdings is aware that a sense of fulfillment that attends to the beneficiaries would filter down to their children and numerous other parties that are connected to them including their localities. They must be helped to access viable markets which BONO holdings has secured, that reciprocate value for their efforts. Ours is to see to the burgeoning of new entrepreneurs from the countryside who will not be a liability to the state. Due to the historical imbalances enumerated above, all beneficiaries and all employees receive intensive training from professionals of note who leave no stone unturned turning them around. We avoid the pitfalls of entitlement and disengagement that most projects are fraught with. Once a farm proves to have acquired a solid base, we slowly step aside and allow the beneficiaries to run their affairs free from the fetters of exploitation and poverty. Research and development shall never be underplayed. Oversight may never be ruled out though from time to time when necessary.